24 fev 2025


A lot of verbs may cause problems to students due to the similarity of their simple present, past and participle forms. So, it is worth checking out some of them, contextualized for maximum retention.
Vários verbos podem causar problemas para os alunos pela semelhança de suas formas no presente, passado e particípio. Então, vale a pena conferir alguns deles, inseridos em contexto para que a retenção seja a máxima possível.
LIE – LIED – LIED (say something untrue)
LIE – LAY – LAIN (be in a horizontal position)
LAY – LAID – LAID (leave something on any surface)

LIE – LIED – LIED (say something untrue)
She lied to her parents and wasn’t even ashamed!

LIE – LAY – LAIN (be in a horizontal position)
Today, I feel like lying on my bed…

LAY – LAID – LAID (leave something on any surface)

The hens lay eggs in the morning.

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